terça-feira, 24 de março de 2015

Monica Silva - LUX ET FILUM

Essa é mais uma belíssima exposição com que nos brinda o Instituto Italiano di Cultura - San Paolo  no lindo casarão em Higienópolis que abrigava as instalações do consulado.

De uma magnífica fotógrafa de origem brasileira é a releitura das obras de Caravaggio com interpretação pessoal da artista, que diferente do mestre escolheu a luz para nos mostrar esse trabalho.

Com diversas leituras, às vezes quase literais outras só com as impressões que lhe causam as cenas originais, consegue nos encantar e prender a atenção, fazendo com que na sua apreciação nos concentremos em todos seus detalhes.

Vale também a visita ao site da artista onde podemos conhecer seus vários projetos e trabalhos quando também percebemos seu enorme ecletismo.

Abaixo das imagens, o currículo da artista, colhidos em seu site.

Birth Name: Monica Maria da Silva known as “Monica Silva”
Born: 13 March 1965, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Nationality: Brazilian
Education: Campus Sales College, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Oxford House College, London UK
Awards: International Biennale of Art 2011, Venice, Italy Best Picture “Dorfles infinito e lo sguardo a Ghirri”
Monica Silva is a self taught photographer. Her first steps into photography happened in a very young age, shooting with polaroids and instamatics cameras. Keen of experiments in photography and specially on staged psychology portraiture, she creates complex projects on how the conflict between the existential and cultural daily life has a grip on the contemporary psyche of today’s society.
Monica is a descendant of Tupi Guarani indigenous tribe and was raised in Sao Paulo in Brazil untill 1986 year in which she moved to London to complete english studies. A curious spirit and thirsty of learning, she moved on to Italy where she has been living for 26 years. For many years she worked on commercial projects, creating album covers for international music labels and a series of portraits of movie stars, musicians, corporate managers and politics published on international editorial magazines and newspapers as Max, Corriere della Sera, Vanity Fair, Style, El Pais Sette, Io Donna, Panorama.
Monica often inspires on the works of Marcel Duchamp, De Chirico, Salvador Dali, Caravaggio, Horst P. Horst, Man Ray, Jeanloup Sieff, Gilbert Garcin, Peter Witkin, Andy Warhol, Jan Vermeer.
Monica Silva has exhibited in many important group and solo exhibitions including Life Above All, Mazzoleni Art Gallery (Milan 2008), Suggestions of Spoon River, Stefano Forni, Codigoro City Hall, (Bologna, Italy 2009), GEMLUC, Mazzoleni Art, (Montecarlo, France 2009),  On My Skin, Arte Fiera Off, (Bologna, Italy 2010), My Hidden Ego, (Sansepolcro, Italy 2013), The Butterfly’s Fall – Postcards from Tokyo, Nuova Galleria Morone, (Milan 2013), Lux Et Filum A Contemporary Vision of Caravaggio, (Sao Paulo, Brazil 2014)
Monica Silva lives and works in Milan, Italy
Past Reviews
Marie Claire Italia Lux Et Filum, Caravaggio’ sequences portrayed in a modern vision: from The Musicians to Narcissus, and contemporary minutiae carefully chosen by Monica Silva to make Caravaggio’s aesthetics still powerful, new, revolutionary.  Manuela Ravasio
La Repubblica:
Monica Silva has posed poetry by dressing it up with color … made of it’s shadows, a film in a stream of emotions …Franco Basile
Il Giornale:
Monica Silva’s works are only apparently simple. If we observe them carefully, we will realize that in an world in which many people now seem to copy ideas and styles, she is capable to think with her own head and experiment, even taking the risk of not being fully understood. Barbara Silbe
Corriere della Sera:
“Her photography is related with the world’s breathe, almost a sort of psychological therapy to build a path of intimate painfull narration in which lies memories of violence and a poetic voice of hope.”
 Gianluigi Colin
Nikon Italia:
“…In order to carve out a moment of fame the subject ends up on the other side of the lens, showing all his brutal authenticity and essence. A perfectly successful experiment that confirms once again Monica Silva’s ability, to go beyond barriers and deeply read other people’s inner soul. Dino Del Vescovo
Foaiano Photography Festival:
In Monica Silva’s works you can find people and landscapes in an unambiguous and characteristic view of the four corners of the planet, in a light and colorful composition, where places are settings for expressions, where days are subtle intangible, almost familiar, with a touch of curiosity. 
 Chiara Oggioni Tiepolo

2 comentários:

  1. Trabalho realmente muito interessante. Transpor uma época para outra completamente diferente e manter as mesmas propostas é mesmo louvável.
    Bela exposição!

    1. Oi José,

      Verdade, ao lado das fotos há miniaturas das inspirações.
      Vale a visita.
      Mais uma vez, obrigado pela visita.

